Drone Pilot Ground School

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Make flying UAS as a career or part-time job now. This industry is currently taking off with many changes and can become a very fun and rewarding decision.  Find out how here.

Flying UAS as a Career or Part-Time

The UAS or Drone Industry is growing at an alarming rate, and nobody can keep up.  If you can get in quickly, flying UAS as a career becomes an amazing opportunity.  With relatively low startup expenses and equiptment you could very well already have.  It is only a matter of finding a way to turn your hobby into an income.

How Much Can I Make?

When you first start flying UAS as a career, you tend to start making low money until your portfolio gets a little better.  From there, you will start slowing raising your prices as you become more familiar with what you are doing.  As time goes on, you will be closer to charging $200 per hour.  Keep in mind, as you gather more experience, your jobs will start to take you less time.

The typical starting off drone pilot salary is around $35,000 per year.  There are many drone pilots making a significant amount more than this.  Personally, I know another pilot making $200,000 and turning down a ton of business.  Flying UAS as a career is definately within reach with some hustle and willing to do what it takes.

Where Can I Find Jobs?

All of these jobs below are able to be started now and completed by the end of this week.  Some will take more time and effort than others.  So stay within your limits, but push on them slowly as you progress.


Upload your stock drone pictures and videos to earn 50% commissions.  You can even hire DroneVideos to make a project for you, and you can then list it on their site for a commission!  Don’t forget to post and publish your work on social media to get some attention about it.


On UpWork, you fill in your profile, what you are looking for work wise, and what your prefered hourly rate is.  People will contact you and the website takes an hourly percentage off of your pay.   Pay is done securely through the website.

The first time I used UpWork, I was in shock when somebody had contacted me within a week!  My first impression was thinking this must be a scam somehow.  That was over a month ago, and I have worked on several occasions since then with him.


Dronebase uses an app on your phone to figure out your location and list jobs near you.  Once you complete their pilot training for you, they will have multiple options for what you can accomplish.  This would be the type of setup that would allow you to complete a mission on your off day before lunch or while killing time.  Some missions are for a lower paying social media mission, while others are higher paying client requests.  Most missions take 20-30 minutes.  Dronebase also does the video editing for you.  All you are required to accomplish is the mission itself.  See their FAQ Here for more about them.


BEE2B appears to be a newer company on the block.  Currently, they do not have a pilot signup portal.  Like myself, many others have received invites on our social networks to join their crew.  Click Here to see some stats about how many have signed up and what most of their pilots are flying.


Part of the Drone Major Group.  Involved in the drone industry at every level and across every environment (surface, underwater, air & even space).  Multiple emails are sent out on a daily basis that involved anything from “dog pictures with drones” to aerial mapping and more.  SUAS Global, as the name expresses, has worldwide jobs available. Appears to be more UK jobs than anything else, unfortunately for the US operators.


Similar to Dronebase above, SoldByAir does all of the post-mission formattings for you.  Once you have signed up, SoldByAir will email out jobs that you qualify for.  Simply place a notification for this email and respond.  This email will contain important details about the job, along with the options to claim or pass on it.


Another site I have somehow stumbled upon.  Even though I am still waiting on approval, I can see there atleast 44 jobs available.  More details are hidden from what I can view, but sounds like a nice number to begin with.  Once I am approved and able to start seeing some work, this description will get an update.

Hopefully, this list has been able to get you started or at least looking in SOME direction of where you can begin.  This list is definitely not a complete listing and many more similar sites are popping up on a weekly basis.  Ensure you have entered in and uploaded any information along with documents you might need.  Fully enter your profile and any pictures you can show for a portfolio.  The more accurate you can be, the higher your chances are to get mission approvals.  Keep everything updated as time goes on.

Let us know in the comments how these have worked for you thus far.  Maybe we left your favorite one out?  Contact us or comment below anything we missed!

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Drone Pilot Ground School