Where and How to Label Your UAV

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Everybody knows that once you register, you need to label your UAV somehow with this information. This can be done in many ways. Engraving is one option, but who wants permanently scar their expensive toy? Permanent marker is option two, but we are professional operators that want a professional look. I don’t know about you, but my handwriting is terrible! The last and, in my opinion, best option is a printed label of some sort.

The FAA isn’t too particular in how this is accomplished. See Here the FAA’s official answer on how they prefer this to be completed. To sum this up: 1. Find Registration Number, 2. Mark All Aircraft, and 3. Number Must Be Visible. Simple enough right? By visible, they mean can be accessed without tools. Inside a battery compartment is perfectly acceptable if no tools are required to gain access.

Depending on your UAV setup, there are many different ways and places you can place your registration number. For now I have simply taken a printed piece of paper and taped it to the upper portion of my UAV. This was simply a quick solution to a problem that will be fixed later.

Pro Tips

As was mentioned before, we are professionals. We want a professional look. This is also free advertising. Maybe a company logo? How about a contact number for when our UAV lands someplace unknown? These should all be considerations when you label your UAV. At the same time, I have my batteries labeled by unique numbers that allow maintenance to be tracked easier.

Still haven’t registered your UAV yet? Do not go to a third party when this can be done yourself. Find out how to directly Register Your UAV Yourself Here! This process is much easier and cheaper than you would think.

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Drone Pilot Ground School