Drone Pilot Ground School

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Who Should Use This Guide? Everybody!

This guide is aimed at Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam, but the same rules apply for everybody. Similairly to the rules of the road. Most rules apply to the person on the bicycle, driving a personal car, or a commercial vehicle. Some rules might be mort strict for the commercial operator, but typically there is not many exceptions. Because of this, this guide can be used for anybody to know what the rules and regulations are. Please use this information to keep not only yourself safe, but those around you. We all share the same sky.

How To Study For The Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam

For me, the Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam was mostly a review.  I have been in the Part 135 Charter industry for almost 20 years.  The rules are very similar between the two.  It is hard for me to pinpoint where general trouble areas are and what else I should list on this page, so please let me know in the comments where you struggled or reach out directly to me and I will help in any way I can.

If you currently hold any Pilot’s Certificate as I do, go back and read Part 107 Remote Pilot Certified Here and see how easy it is for you to get yours.  I simply logged in without studing, and less than 2 hours later I was done.  My appointment with the FAA, took a touch longer to get worked out!

Study Guides and Sample Exams

Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

The Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge has been made available to anyone that needs to know more about the basic piloting knowledge. This introduces a spectrum of knowledge that is useful to all pilots.

FAA’s Own Part 107 for Small UAS Course

Not many people know this, but as a guest, you can take the FAA’s own Small Unmanned Aircraft System Initial Course.  Unfortunately, you cannot receive credit for taking or viewing this.  Use this just as another way to study for what is coming up!

FAA Remote Pilot Study Guide

The Remote Pilot Study Guide will dive straight into the meat and potatoes of the airspace system along with everything else involved, explaining things in great detail.  This is not the FARs by any means, but I would probably hit print and carry a copy of this in my Flight Binder for quick reference!

See My Secret Flight Mission Critical Binder!  

Search YouTube.com for Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Videos.

Here are a few that jumped out at me and looked informative!  I listen… emphasis on LISTEN… to people speak on youtube while driving.  Please don’t ever say I encouraged you to WATCH youtube while driving!  Most videos I am interested in is mostly talking.  Informative in nature.  I don’t need to WATCH somebody sit at their desk and talk stocks, investing, or strategy.

Still Not Comfortable Taking the Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Yet?

Sometimes you just need a little more help from a new perspective.  Don’t worry, none of this is an easy topic to quickly learn and memorize.  Here are three of my suggestions on where to pay to get more specialized training.

Drone Pilot Ground School

Drone Pilot Ground School has one of the most complete ground courses available.  You can go from zero to know it all in no time with the courses they offer.  With +70 Video/Text Lectures, Flight Proficiency Training, 5 Practice Tests, Lifetime Access, and a Money Back Guarantee how can you go wrong?  Use the link above to go see more of what they are offering.  Did I mention that 99% PASS THEIR FIRST TIME taking the FAA Exam?

Dart Drones

Dart Drones has online training courses for beginners up through intermediate and advanced classes.  If you don’t feel you require the full Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Preparation, you can find other options here as well.

UAV Coach

UAV Coach has an amazing set of articles, free for your browsing.  They also have a list of popular cities where you can get one-on-one personalized instruction on your Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam.  Sometimes this can be exactly what you need.  Once you are finished with that, they also offer specialized DJI training as well.

Hearing Your Feedback, I’m Listening!

I have heard back from a few people that have listened to my advice given in the article.  I thank each and every one of you again!  This is great for me to hear from somebody that is not yet an Aviator of any kind.  Here are some highlights and more detailed information on where others are having issues with the Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam.

VFR Sectional

A VFR Sectional is a road map for aircraft flying visually.  This will have landmarks, airspaces, airports, and other points of interest for aircraft-related missions.  This video by Fly8MA.com did an amazing job of describing every aspect of the sectional.  Videos are better than words sometimes.  I’m very excited to see that South Florida, my hometown and primary training area, was used.  The airspace around Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and Palm Beach can get very confusing. Also, take a look at VFRMap.com for a more detailed and interactive map.


METAR stands for Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report or Meteorological Aerodrome Report.  These are published on an hourly basis, typically at 53 minutes past the hour in the US or when a Special (SPECI) is required when the conditions change significantly.  Some of the abbreviations are difficult to remember as they are actually short for a Frech word.  See Wikipedia – METAR Here for a full list of short abbreviations.

Terminal Aerodrome Forcast

Similar to a METAR, Terminal Area Forcast (TAF) uses similar abbreviations from above.  TAFs are issued every 6 hours at major civil airports and typically cover a 24-hour period.  See Wikipedia – Terminal Area Forcast Here for a full list of short abbreviations.

Let me know in the comments how much, or even little, this helped you out!  I’m looking to make this a better study guide, but I can’t without your help.  Let me know where you struggled.  If you have any questions you need to have answered, feel free to reach out!

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