Drone Pilot Pro Academy

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Apply For A Part 107 Waiver

Anybody wanting to fly a sUAV outside of the general set of rules set forth by FAA needs to apply for a Part 107  Waiver.  You must be able to prove that this operation can be conducted safely and without endangering other persons or property.

How Many Part 107 Waivers Have Been Approved?

At the time of writing this initially in 2018, approximately 2,200 total Operational Waivers have been submitted and accepted by the FAA. 
See the full list from the FAA Here.  Most of these waivers have been for a Part 107.29 Daylight Operation Waiver.

What Needs To Be Addressed?

Describe Proposed Operation

Be as detailed as possible.  You need to sell the FAA as to why you are qualified to be exempt from the current set of rules.  Explain where you intend to fly, over which types of areas, and what the purpose of the operation is.  Include the make and model of the sUAV you will be piloting.  Think of who will be the Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) and the qualifications that will be required.

Explain Possible Risks and How To Mitigate These Risks

Each operation you are requesting a waiver for has an increased risk associated with this.  You need to explain how you will mitigate and lessen the risk with the operation at hand.  How will you ensure your operation will remain safe at all times.  Remember to include unusual circumstances that might arise, such as unplanned aircraft or persons approaching your intended flight zone.

Reference The FAA Waiver Safety Explanation Guide Here for more info.

Don’t List Something You Can’t Comply With

Do not list a requirement you can not comply with.  If your waiver states and requires 4 Visual Observers (VO) must have 4 Visual Observers.  Therefore, if you use less than 4, you are then in violation of your agreed upon waiver.  This means you cannot execute your operation because you no longer satisfy all of the requirements.  Make sure when you are applying that you are not making your operation expectations and limitations too strict for your intended use.

Apply For One Part 107 Waiver at a Time

Do not double up on applications thinking this could save you time and some skin on your fingers from typing it all over again.  The FAA wants multiple applications, even if this is considered for the same operation.  There is an option at the bottom of “Step 2: Waiver Application” asking if there is an existing waiver, either pending or approved, that will be associated with this operation.

Head To The Full Part 107 Waiver List

Leave comments below on your Part 107 waiver approval process.  Let us know if this helped or if we left something out important that would have helped you significantly.

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