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Do you want to register UAV under Part 107 as an Operator or under Part 336 as a Modeler?  If this sentence confused you, Read Here:  Register UAV Unmanned Aircraft System Under FAA Regulations.  If you are not a Part 107 Operator, find out how to Register UAV Under Part 336 as a Modeler Here!

All drones and UAVs must have their OWN registration if flying under FAA Part 107.  This number will be unique to only this aircraft.  This registration will be valid for 3 years and must be renewed upon its expiration in order to continue flying. Each registration will cost you $5. Recreational pilots only require 1 number to be assigned to all aircraft.

Using the FAA Drone Zone

Creating an account is easy with the FAA Drone Zone Here.  Just as you would expect, type in a valid email, a unique password, and you will be quickly on your way.  Once that step is completed, you will need to verify your email. Once you have verified your email, you can log in to your Drone Zone account and you will be asked some basic information, address, and phone number.

Section 107 Dashboard

Upon being logged in, you will see there is very little you can accomplish here. The website is labeled straight forward, nothing too complicated or misleading. On your Part 107 Dashboard, any registrations and waivers you might have will be listed here on your dashboard. You can also apply for any UAV Waivers you might need.

How to Apply for a Part 107 Waiver

Need to file an accident report? All of your Part 107 Accident Reports will be listed here or you can open a new ticket. Part 107.9 details that you must submit a report within 10 days of the accident if someone is seriously injured or unconscious or if any damage exceeds $500 to the UAV or property separately.

We All Make Mistakes, How to File a Part 107 Accident Report

Register UAV Under Part 107

The first step would be adding a UAV Registration to your shopping cart. Under your Part 107 Dashboard, click “Add UAV” and it will ask you some information about your UAV. You can add all your UAVs and pay all at the same time for them all. Once that has been completed, head to the checkout. Under Part 107, each UAV must have its own unique registration number. Each registration costs $5 and lasts for 3 years.

Safety Guidance

In today’s world, lawyers are everywhere. When it comes to FAA Rules and Regulations, this is no different. The first screen you will see after you start to register your UAV under Part 107 is an agreement. This simply is asking you to agree to fly by the rules and understand it is your responsibility to know what those rules are. Once you click the box and agree, it will allow you to start adding your new UAV.


Time to pay up! Credit Card info and billing address. If you were able to type in your address before, you can simply check “Use Mailing Address” and it will allow you to move forward.

Review & Pay

Any mistakes should be found during this step. Once you pass this step, you are paid for and can not make any more changes to your UAV’s information. Now is the time for corrections if something is wrong. You are not able to make changes later. Pay close attention to your serial numbers. These are specific to your model and will be printed on your registration.


Once you have paid, you will be shown a confirmation page. Save this information in case you ever need anything. I printed my page and keep it with my registration paper. At this point, I had an email with my registration card in pdf form. Mine was immediately printed and put in my Flight Mission Critical Binder. I’m also going to print another copy and laminate it for my DJI Mavic 2 Zoom carry case.

My Secret Flight Mission Critical Binder

Fly UAV Under Part 107

This number is for your aircraft.  This must be written on the outside of your drone or UAV before it is operated.  If your drone is ever lost or stolen, this will identify you as being the owner.  When you or someone else operate your drone, you must keep this paper on you as proof of registration.  In the event the drone is destroyed or sold, you must go back online through the FAA Drone Zone and cancel your registration.

Of course, in case of an inadvertent fly-away, have your phone number written somewhere within easy view. It would be wise to use your cell phone number as you probably lost it when you weren’t home.

Hopefully, this has helped you register your UAV under Part 107.  Leave your experience down below in the comments.  If I left something out that needed to be included, let me know and I will fix it immediately!

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