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Over the years, the FAA has determined that we can have ‘Safer Skies Through Education.’ And honestly, I agree. Recently, the FAA has added a FREE FAA TRUST Program to inform all recreational flyers of the rules to keep themselves, and others, safe.
What is the FAA TRUST Program?
When it started. When it’s mandatory. Why they started it.
The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST)
Please… please… PLEASE! If you only get one thing from this page… DO NOT PAY FOR THIS PROGRAM. There are many people out there wanting to trick you into being helped to obtain this. These programs are offered free of cost at FAA Approved websites.
Who Should Take This Exam
Simply put, EVERYONE! If you are not flying for money, aka Part 107, then you are flying recreationally. Even Part 107 Remote Pilots fly for recreation and would require this. Once you pass the program, the certificate never expires. Unfortunately, if it is ever lost you must go through the entire process all over again. The FAA nor the test provider maintains your certificate for you.
Recommended Study Materials
None. Zero. There isn’t any required, or even recommended, studying needed before you attempt this for the first time. With no prior drone experience required, you can just dive right in. The FAA TRUST Program will tell you everything you need to know as you progress.
Recommended: Study For Your Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam
The entire process should take you about 30 minutes. Take your time and absorb all of the information they are presenting you with. The FAA TRUST Program is put together for you to learn how to share the skies with other aircraft. As time goes on, the skies are going to only get more crowded.
Find Authorized Test Administrator
Find an authorized ‘Test Administrator of TRUST’ from the FAA WEBSITE (HERE). Many companies are listed and all are reputable. I had used UAV Coach previously and still follow them and their website for anything I might have missed.
Recommended: UAV Coach FAA TRUST Program
Sign in
Before you start the actual TRUST Program, they ask for your name and email so your certificate can be generated and sent to you. Make sure your name and email are spelled correctly as this is going to last forever with you.
Complete Steps
You are now shown the FAA TRUST Program exam. After completing each section, you are given a ‘Knowledge Check’ confirming you are learning what is required of you.
Overview: Simply a welcome to the program explaining what you are about to accomplish.
Section 1: Understanding the FAA Airspace System, where you can fly, and other information you should understand before you leave your house.
Section 2: Covers mostly about what you need to be thinking about once you arrive at your flight location. Checking yourself, preparing your drone, weather, and your surroundings.
Section 3: Covers while you are flying. Maintaining line of sight of your drone along with safety guidelines.
Section 4: Contains information about getting to know your drone, its automation, registration, and other bits of information that are important to keep you safe and legal to fly.
Check eMail for certificate

Congratulations! You are all set. In a few moments, your certificate will be generated and sent to your email magically by the interwebs!
Save Save Save Print Print Save! Link only lasts for a limited time and is not saved by the test giver. If you lose it, it’s gone and you must retake the test again. Just like everything else, I highly recommend you save to any place possible including any cloud saves, and print 2 copies. I only recommend 2 copies because that will give you one to carry on you and one to keep in a safe place. All of my certificates and important flight documents go into a Flight Mission Critical Binder that I keep with me.
See More: My Flight Mission Critical Binder
Go Fly!
Congratulations! You passed the test. Keep the certificate on you while flying. Don’t forget to register your UAV, fly below 400 feet, fly within a visual line of sight, and follow all safety guidelines!
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