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What Is Part 107.25 Moving Vehicle Waiver?

The Moving Vehicle Waiver allows an operator and team provisions to safely operate from a moving vehicle or aircraft.

From FAA eCFR Website:

“§107.25   Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft.

No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft system—

(a) From a moving aircraft; or

(b) From a moving land or water-borne vehicle unless the small unmanned aircraft is flown over a sparsely populated area and is not transporting another person’s property for compensation or hire.”

What Does That Mean??

According to the FAA Part 107 regulations, no person may operate a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) from a moving aircraft, moving land, or water-borne vessel unless this takes place over “sparsely” populated areas.  In simple terms, you may not normally operate your UAS from a moving vehicle while traveling down the highway with other non-participating persons or property around you, placing them at risk.  This can legally be done in a controlled environment that does not put other persons or property at risk.  A Moving Vehicle Waiver would not be required if you are filming from your moving boat in open water away from other persons and property.

How Many Have Been Approved?

At the time of writing this initially in 2018, approximately 2,200 total Operational Waivers have been submitted and accepted by the FAA.  Most of these have been for a Part 107.29 Daylight Operation Waiver.  See the full list from the FAA Here.

What Needs To Be Addressed?

Describe Proposed Operation

Explain Possible Risks and How To Mitigate These Risks

Reference The FAA Waiver Safety Explanation Guide Here for more info.

Example of Approved Waiver:

Find More Waivers Here!

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